The history of wood processing enterprise

The history of wood processing enterprise springs from the First World War. During that old time at the beginning of 1916, there was a front line between the belligerents — the army of Russian empire and Austro — German troops on the rivers Stir and Stohod.

For the construction the defensive installations, bridges, passages, dugouts and other buildings there were required forestry engineering goods. With that end in view, there was an order to the army under the command of captain Sorovsky to build a temporary saw – mill. Such a plant was built on the territory of modern Kivertsy wood processing enterprise by means of above — mentioned company. Here there were established two log frames of the trade mark “Riga”, which to some extent satisfied the needs of the front.

After the war the plant continued working. Since 1920 to 1939 the plant was named “Tartak”. During this time the quantity of the log frames increased to the 5 pieces. New workshops and other supporting constructions were built.

Management personnel of Kivertsy wood processing enterprise
Pic. 1: Management personnel of Kivertsy wood processing enterprise (44 kB)
Workers of Kivertsy wood processing enterprise, post-war times
Pic. 2: Workers of Kivertsy wood processing enterprise, post-war times (44 kB)
Pic. 3: Saw-mills (33 kB)
Raw materials supply
Pic. 4: Raw materials supply (31 kB)
Raw materials supply of Kivertsy wood processing enterprise
Pic. 5: Raw materials supply of Kivertsy wood processing enterprise (44 kB)

In Soviet Union times, Kivertsy wood processing enterprise is a giant of woodworking industry. Its unique technologies, quality, wide range of goods brought a wide popularity in expenses of this huge country. The parquet, made in Kivertsy wood processing enterprise, is laid in Kremlin, Mariinsk palace in Kyiv (the residence of Ukraine president), Ukraine National Museum of the Great World War history 1941–1945 (Kyiv), and in other buildings.

workers of  block parquet workshop of the Kivertsy wood processing enterprise in Soviet Union time
Pic. 6: workers of block parquet workshop of the Kivertsy wood processing enterprise in Soviet Union time (59 kB)
New workshops building in Kivertsy wood processing enterprise
Pic. 7: New workshops building in Kivertsy wood processing enterprise (49 kB)

For many years the enterprise was far-famed.

Private enterprise “Kivertsy wood processing enterprise” is a follower of the given rich in its history and traditions enterprise.

The enterprise is situated in small town Kivertsy, 12 kilometers from the regional center Lutsk. All the industrial complex of the enterprise occupies more than 10 hectares of the ground. Here we can find the workshop for pretreatment of the raw materials, drying of the wood, manufacture of the production (artistic parquet and block parquet workshop), the storage of raw materials and ready — made production.

All goods are produced on modern, unique equipment, created specially for our enterprise. Many samples don't have analogies by manufacture and quality processing.

Advanced technologies, quality and highly qualified staff are the main advantages of our enterprise.