Most-used materials
Oak is the most wide spread material for parquet. It is fast and beautiful, has brightly expressed structure and it perfectly suits for the parquet as it doesn't change the level of humidity. Real fumed oak, lied for a while in the water, has very interesting coloring — from brown — green to the almost black color. In combination with a radial sawing the structure of such an oak plank is very beautiful. During the processing with a chisel the oak is frail and it needs a hard and pointed instrument and a great caution during the work.
Beech doesn't have a pronounced wood picture; that is why the parquet made of beech is very smooth. It refers to the light sorts of wood with less textured structure and thickness, thanks to this factor it is easy processed. Beech is perfectly grinded and polished. Beech has bright plates in radial saw , seen from butt-end as dark hyphens. Such saw underlines the beauty of beech parquet. Beech possesses high solidity and sometimes screws curled in beech break but not pull out the wood. This sort of wood is suited for making section materials, it is nice pickled, dried sufficiently fast and it doesn't crack. Beech takes up humidity that is why the woodworks made of beech must be covered with lacquer.
Russian maple — dense wood with soft picture, it is easily polished and carved. Usually small details with difficult profile, wood engraving, and encrustation are made of maple.
American maple looks like the texture of ash-tree, but maple wood is too dense and with small interstices. It is processed and polished with difficulties.
Hornbeam has a light, very beautiful tint, is characterized by high solidity, and it is easy processed. Wood is too heavy; it suits for imitation of black wood. It is inconvertible to abrasion, and it cracks during insiccation.
Walnut — has a foxy color, sometimes with dark threads. It is easy colored and polished, but is planed with difficulties. It is a heavy, hard and solid material; walnut has a beautiful texture and various color tints..
Pine is sufficiently straight-grained; it is quickly got dry and warped very rare. Annual rings are easily seen at all cuts. It takes glue and is processed and impregnated with antiseptics.
Ash-tree is thicker than oak. Parquet of such material has light tint, good and distinct texture. Solid and viscous ash wood is good at bending, it doesn't crack and warps very rare. It is a long lived material; ash tree doesn't rot, but it is hard to process.
Birch is of white color with reddish or yellowish tint. Wood is hard enough, good at processing and with homogenous thickness. Birch is good at imitating the precious types of wood; it is easy colored, polished and impregnated with antiseptics.
Bamboo is supplied at market in the form of compressed parquet planks, made of thin stripe, which are impregnated with special mixture. Such parquet is not polished, but it excels oak in wearing out. As a rule, bamboo parquet is relaid after five years. Nice and amber tint of bamboo will decorate and amplify any interior.
Main advantage of the parquet floor is the fact that parquet which is made of natural wood — is ecologically clean and harmless material. If it is nicely embedded, it ensures the hygienic, heat stability, loss of noises, low sound conduction, longevity and high impact resistance. In present time we use batten, block parquet, shield parquet, laminated plastic and artistic parquet for the parquet floors.