Wood sort of block parquet
Block parquet is made of different sorts of wood.
Oak |
Oak (quercus — latin name oak is originated from Greek kerkeen — rough; latin robur — oak wood; latin pedunculatus, trees from the beech family — Fagaceae with the hight up to 40 metres. Flowers are dioecious. A fruit is an acorn. It grows in the countries of Central and East Europe, in the middle and south part of CIS, in Crimea, on Caucasus in the deciduous and conifer-deciduous forests.
Ash |
Ash (ornus — latin name of plant). Hight of the tree is 10-20 metres and it is of oleaginous family — Oleaceae. Leaves are odd-pinnately-complicated, most of them have 7-9 ovate, oblong and spear-shaped leaves. Perianth is double and consists of bell and corona.
Cherry |
Cherry (cerasus avium — latin bird cherry) grows wild in South Europe, on Caucasus and in the Asia Minor. It was cultivated in these places during prehistoric times.
Birch |
Birch (Betula — latin name). This sort of wood has no kernel, sap-wood. Wood color is white with yellow or reddish tint. Medullary rays are narrow, they are seen only on a radial cut. Yearly layers are bad seen.
Beech |
Beech (fagus — latin name). This sort of wood has no kernel, ripe wood. The color of wood is yellowish, reddish-white, has a noble kind. Annual layers are clearly seen, heart-shaped rays are visible on all cuts.
Hornbeam |
Hornbeam (carpinus — latin name) is dissipated-vascular, non kernel sap wood. The color of wood is greyish-white. Heart-shaped rays are narrow, unnoticeable, the false-wide rays are noticeable on a transversal cut. Winding annual rings are well visible on transversal cut.
Maple |
Maple (acer — ëàò. íàçâ.) This sort of wood doesn't have nuclear, sap wood. A sap-wood and mature wood doesn't differ practically. Color of wood is white with yellowish or reddish tints. Heart-shaped rays are visible on all cuts, numerous. Annual layers are clear seen. |
Alder |
Alder (alnus -latin name.)This sort of wood is without core and alburnum. Wood is of white colour. It quickly turns red and becomes brown. Medullary rays are narrow and imperceptible. It is difficult to discern yearly rings.